Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Worst day of my life was......

When my brother died. This way the worst day because he was very young and I loved him. I wanted to share this with you because if you say something mean my teacher will see it and you will get in trouble and I trust you guys. Hear is a picture of him he died due to gun violence.

Friday, October 11, 2019

My life in middle school so far

Middle School so far has been ok. I say that because it is hard...... so far I give it ⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ . I liked elementary school better because it was easier and I liked my elementary school teacher better. I still like my middle school teacher I just liked my elementary school teacher better. I’m drawing got better though I can draw a good person now. If you want to see a drawing send my and my teacher Miss Huary to see my drawing and I will make a post about my drawing skills.

 Sincerely, The life of a DIY queen.

Quote review

I felt the quote is great because I’m crazy. The people who are crazy enough to change the world actually do. That gives me a chance to beli...